The Importance of God\'s Covenant

[God said to Noah,] "I will establish My covenant with you."
The Importance of God's Covenant
This consolation Moses had already indicated above, when he said that Noah had found favor. There was need of this, not only to keep Noah from despairing before such a terrible wrath but also in order that his faith might be strengthened amid the punishment that was about to rage. It was not easy to believe that the entire human race would perish. The world regarded Noah as exceedingly stupid for believing such things; it derided him and without a doubt also made his structure the object of ridicule. In order to encourage him in such trying circumstances, God speaks with him several times and now reminds him of the covenant. . .. In my opinion, however, the text speaks of the spiritual covenant or of the promise of the Seed who would crush the head of the serpent. . .. God confirms this covenant that [Noah] may firmly believe that Christ will be born from his descendants and that God, in His great wrath, will let a seedbed of the Church remain. Accordingly, this covenant includes not only physical protection . . . but also eternal life. Hence the meaning is: "I shall punish those who insolently despise the threats and promises. . .. But I shall convey this covenant to you, that you may be saved not only from the violence of the water but also from eternal death and damnation." God expressly says: "With you." . . . This, then, is the second promise of Christ, and it is taken away from all the other descendants of Adam and bestowed upon Noah alone.
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