The Raging of the Devil

Now Esau hated Jacob.
The Raging of the Devil
You see how the devil rages in the home life and the household of even the saintliest people. It is not without cause that we warn so often and exhort and cry out so often that you should pray diligently and without ceasing. For the devil is not far away. No, he is in our midst. Observe what a disturbance he caused in the very holy Church of the fathers, in the house of Isaac, where Esau is plotting the destruction of his brother, the murder of his parents, and the overthrow and devastation of the entire Church. On the other hand, this grief is justifiable, and Esau has good reason to be so greatly disturbed. But it is his own fault; for he himself sinned, since he esteemed lightly and despised what he now desires so much. And now, when he feels God's wrath, he is driven to madness because of grief and impatience. Let us recognize this great malice of the devil.
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