Wait for the Lord

Pharaoh said to Joseph, "See, I have set you over all the land of Egypt."
Wait for the Lord
But how shall I be steadfast when there is such a mass of trouble?" you will say. Cling to the Word, and conclude as follows: "I have been baptized; I believe in Christ, the Son of God. Come devil and death, it does not matter." There will be no danger from plague, death, or hell; for the Lord sustains you with His hand as long as you have His Word. In this way you will "learn what the acceptable and perfect will of God is" (Romans 12:2). But without renewal you will not attain this knowledge. For this is what precedes: "Be transformed by the renewal of your mind." Then at last you will recognize the goodness of God. And how are we renewed? By rejecting and abolishing the old man, who certainly grieves the flesh violently. Yet there is a renewal from day to day. Thus exceedingly harsh mortification in prison and fetters preceded the liberation of Joseph. Therefore from his example, which is full of virtues of every kind, we should learn to understand the wisdom and goodness of God and the manner of guidance with which God deals with us, that one must wait for the Lord without ceasing, and that no time of tribulation and distress can be so great and so long that it must break us or drive out the Word of faith, which is the strength and power of God for salvation to every believer (Romans 1:16). Therefore one should hold fast.
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