Christ Preserves His Church

"My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid."
JOHN 14:27
Christ Preserves His Church
Christ has preserved and protected His Church so that it is called "peace," even though this peace is stuck in the midst of thorns and briars, that is, affliction and trial, in which both the devil and the world scratch and sting, torment and afflict you for the sake of the Word and confession of Christ. Just as the Word is a message of grace, love, and peace from God and Christ toward us, so the Word is here in the world a message of wrath and hostility. That is why this peace must always stand in faith. When through the devil's suggestions the heart feels oppressed, anxious, and even frightened enough to run away from God, let it enclose itself in this Word of Christ and guard itself, saying: "Nevertheless, I know that I have God's promise and the Holy Spirit's testimony that He wants to be my dear Father and is not angry with me, but grants me peace and all good through His Son, Christ."

From the Church Postil, sermon for Pentecost on John 14:23-31 (Luther's Works 77:358)
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