Where Is Righteousness?

I go to the Father, and you will see Me no longer."
JOHN 16:10
Where Is Righteousness?
But in this verse I hear Christ say that my righteousness consists in His going to the Father and in His ascension into heaven. There my righteousness has been deposited, and there the devil will surely have to let it remain; for he will not make Christ a sinner or reprove or find fault with His righteousness. If I am a sinner and my life does not pass muster before God, and if I find no righteousness in myself, I have another treasure, which is the righteousness of which I boast and on which I rely. This is Christ's going to the Father, which He has presented to me as a gift." . . . Here you learn that the righteousness of which Christ is speaking is not our work or doing, but that it is His going to the Father or His ascension.

From Sermons on the Gospel of John, Chapters 14-16 (Luther's Works 24:347-48)
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