Praise God at All Times

Serve the LORD with fear, and glorify Him with trembling.
PSALM 2:11
Praise God at All Times
Since we neither acknowledged nor praised God as our Benefactor in peace and prosperity, as we should have done, it has pleased Him that now we should acknowledge and praise Him through the cross and adversity. We did not serve God with gladness in security, and so He is pleased that we serve Him with gladness in fear and rejoice with trembling. . .. This is the cross of Christ and the foolishness of preaching by which He saves the believers. Those who follow opinion, reason, wisdom, and knowledge are offended by all this and perish. This, then, is the meaning: When Christ the Lord reigns with His iron scepter and crushes the old man through the Word of the cross, according to the will and command of the Father, who has subjected everything to Him, you must recognize yourself as subjected to Him. However, you are subjected in fear, that you may bear His cross in patience and humility.

From Labors on the Psalms (Luther's Works 14:344)
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