Put Off the Old

[Christ] died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for Him who for their sake died and was raised.
Put Off the Old
This delightful, sweet preaching will not help you, when you say, "Christ died and rose for sinners; therefore, I hope, even for me." Yes, right, but if you always insist on remaining in your old skin, and use this preaching only as a cover for your shameful greed, then it is written: "Do not apply this comfort to yourself, for even though He died and rose for all, He has not yet risen for you, for you have not yet laid hold of that resurrection by faith. You have seen the smoke but have not felt the fire. You have heard the words but have not received their power." But if you want to boast and take comfort in this preaching rightly, that by His dying and rising Christ has helped you, then you must not remain in your old sinful life but put on a new skin. His dying and resurrection occurred so that you also finally would die with Him to the world and become like His resurrection, that is, begin to become a new man, as He is in heaven, one who does not have the desire or love for greed and deception of his neighbor but is satisfied with what God gives him through his work and is generous, kind, and charitable to those who need him.

From the Church Postil, sermon for Easter Wednesday on Colossians 3:1-7 (Luther's Works 77:110)
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